Turnips, Onions and Stuffed Peppers 2024

Turnips, Onions and Stuffed Peppers 2024





Turnips, Onions and Stuffed Peppers 2024
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    WhenFrom 08-Nov-2024 al 10-Dic-2024
    WhereSan Martín del Rey Aurelio

    Latitude: 43.2733536 Length: -5.6096478
    Open location in Google Mapsgoole maps icon

    San Martín del Rey Aurelio is preparing to celebrate a new edition of its three winter gastronomic festivals, with own dishes of these months, cooking vegetables that are in their splendor.

    The three parties are organized by the hotel and party societies of each town, in collaboration with the City of San Martín del Rey Aurelio, through the Department of Culture and Tourism. During these weekends, festive and cultural events have been organized for all audiences.

    The days of The turnips will be celebrated 8 of the 11 November 2024, in Sotrondio.
    Sotrondio lights up the stoves to celebrate the Gastronomic Festival of Los Nabos, declared of Tourist Interest by the Principality of Asturias, with a traditional menu consisting of turnip stew and a portion of tripe, with casadielles for dessert, which can be enjoyed at lunch or dinner in a dozen restaurants and cider houses in the town, with an average price of 30 euros per menu.

    You can check all the events here Nabos 2024 Events Agenda

    Les Cebolles Rellenes day 29 and 30 November of 2024, in El Entrego/L'Entregu.

    Stuffed Peppers are celebrated from 5 to December 8 in Blimea.

    What to do in Asturias this month
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