House The Cerezal II
( 7 seats / )La Cerezal II is a farmhouse whose construction dates back to the XNUMXth century and which r ...
The peaks of Europe they form the most mountainous region of Asturias. A must visit are the villas of Cangas de Onis, Arenas de Cabrales o Arriondas, the sanctuary of Covadonga y The Lakes. Highlights include walking routes such as the Cares, or visits to the mountain villages of Sotres, Tielve, All o Panes. In the foothills of Los Picos, we discover the beautiful landscapes of Amieva y Putas well as the vast council of Piloña. The region also treasures one of the gastronomies richest in the Principality: cheeses, salmon, mountain and game meats.