Shiitake Forest

Shiitake Forest

Shiitake Forest

Shiitake Forest

Our forest covers more than 5.000 m2 located in the rural area of ​​Oviedo, with the humidity and shade conditions necessary to grow our Shiitake mushrooms.

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Shiitake Forest

attached to the land


The Shiitake Forest was born from the idea of ​​taking advantage of the existing natural resources in the area and giving it a productive touch. In this way our natural allies: sun, water, nature, become the essential base to start this new family adventure.

With very clear ideas, the empowerment of the rural environment and the defense of the environment, we chose an ideal scenario with climatological conditions of humidity and temperature according to an ancient crop, the shiitake mushroom.

Quality and local product, in the rural area of ​​Oviedo

A mushroom with natural growth in our forest

Quality and local product, in the rural area of ​​Oviedo

We carry out cultivation in the traditional way in our Asturian forest

In its natural habitat, Shiitake is found growing on stumps and dead trees in temperate and humid forests, which is why it grows so well in Asturias.

The Shiitake Forest has the ecological certification of COPAE with supplier number F-1016.

Quality and local product, in the rural area of ​​Oviedo

The properties and health benefits of Shiitake mushrooms

It is a traditional food in Asian countries and is highly regarded for its nutritional value, exquisite flavor and medicinal benefits, being antioxidant, anti-tumor, antiviral and even strengthening the immune system and fighting inflammation.

Quality and local product, in the rural area of ​​Oviedo

Shiitake mushrooms, the undisputed protagonists in Asian and vegetarian dishes

A super food rich in iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, vitamins of group B, with high quality proteins and fiber, which can be added to soup, rice or stew dishes.

They are delicious!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus. In facilisis sed mi rutrum consequat. Sed augue sem diam.

Title services 2-2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus. In facilisis sed mi rutrum consequat. Sed augue sem diam.

Title services 2-3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus. In facilisis sed mi rutrum consequat. Sed augue sem diam.

Visit the Shiitake Forest

Visit the Shiitake Forest

We want to make our Shiitake project known to all those who are interested in giving value to natural, sustainable and ecological, our motto with the final result of a quality and local product.

We welcome those who wish taste our Shiitake mushrooms, learn how we grow them, its growth naturally, its history and want to participate in a different experience.

Our village house guests House La Cuesta, which we manage in the same rural area of ​​Oviedo, have at their disposal this experience as a complementary activity.

Visit the Shiitake Forest

You can taste, collect and buy our mushrooms on site

The house and the forest

Our forest encompasses more than 5.000 m2 Located in the rural area of ​​Oviedo, with the humidity and shade conditions necessary to grow our Shiitake mushrooms. growth process is natural emulating the conditions of its Asian origin.

[1] We micellate the oak logs with Shiitake mushroom fungus, taking advantage of the pruning of Asturian forests, we seal the holes that are drilled in the trunk to introduce the mycelium with beeswax from Asturian producers. [2] These are left at rest with darkness in the forest a few months for the fungus to spread on the trunk. [3] After that time we proceed to the log bath, that is, we emulate the Asian Monsoon conditions by wetting them so that they then go to our production center, controlling the temperature and humidity. [4] A week or so primordia begin to grow, the sprouts of our mushroom and in a few days they are ready to cut and taste.

Traditional cultivation

Casa La Cuesta is a reconstructed village house from the mid-19th century respecting the traditional architecture of Asturias. You will find us at sograndius, exemplary town in 1998 to enjoy the relaxation of the countryside with the advantage of its proximity to the capital, Oviedo, only to 8 kms.

Our proposal to visit the Shiitake Forest is throughout the year, taking into account its natural growth, there are times of the year that are more abundant than in very cold months. Our Casa La Cuesta guests can visit our forest as a complementary experience to their accommodation.. For the rest of the visits, we ask you to check our availability for personalized attention.

Our rural house

accordion title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae erat. Integer aliquam, lorem vitae dapibus sollicitudin, nibh nisl egestas enim, ut dapibus odio augue venenatis mi. Ut tempus dui at mi semper, vel dapibus nisl consectetur. Phasellus consectetur sapien non lacus imperdiet dapibus

Want to contact us?

We are happy to advise you for your stay in our council.

Phone number

660 252 137

We are in...

Aldea Villarmil 132, Sograndio [Oviedo]


10:00–14:00, 15:00–18:30
from Mondays to Sundays