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The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail
  • The Encantau Trail

The Camín Encantau, which runs through beautiful landscapes of the Valley of Ardisana, in LLanes, is a magical route, where wood carvings with characters from Asturian mythology they get confused in the thickness of the woods, playing hide-and-seek, and they surprise us on the road with a unique demeanor.

Main photo: elcaminencantau.com

Latitude: 43.3895798 Length: -4.9464226
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With the apology of discovering the sculptures one by one, we enter a path flanked by chestnut trees, hazel trees, ash trees, birches, yew trees ... some of great size and antiquity, like the millenary Texu of Malateria. There are stretches where we can enjoy some breathtaking panoramic views of the Ardisana valley and the Sierra del Cuera. Other points of interest are the granaries of Riucaliente, and, in Ardisana itself, the church of Santa Eulalia (XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries), the Posada house, the Corajarrieru house (XNUMXth century) and the house of the Arnero (XNUMXth century).

It is a ideal route for the whole family, where children enjoy doubly, and that does not entail great slopes or risks of any kind; a magnificent opportunity to enter the most indigenous nature and feel its true enchantment with the additional explanations of mythology, which ultimately describe perfectly the ancestral sense of the landscape of the Principality.

"I am the Nuberu. I rule over the rain and the winds. Lightning is my whip and thunder my voice. Do you want to arrive dry at the end of your road? Well respect nature or I'll have to get angry. That's what he tells us Nuberu, king of the rains and storms, when he comes to us haughty and perhaps sullen. But there is much more: a meeting of naughty Goblins; Sumiciu who advises us to check our pockets for missing something; the man of the sacu, mythical character that frightens infants; The Pataricu, mythological marine giant, "comeniños" endowed with a single eye and relative of Polyphemus; Diañu Burlón, which can change shape at will; the Cuélebre, dragon custodian of treasures and princesses; the Busgosu, guardian of the forests; the washing woman, the chestnut tree, etc.

The enchantment approaches the fantastic world of animated forest and the Holy Company, that procession of figures with shrouds, because halfway we came across the Cross of the Garabiales, of 1761, where the funeral processions that climbed from the valley to the cemetery of Villanueva stopped.

How many kilometers is the Camín Encantáu route?

The El Camín Encantáu route has been designed in a circular shape. Its nine kilometers run through 9 villages. Facing the tour on foot will force the visitor to spend about three hours. For those who do not want to walk and opt for the car, they can do so on the road that connects the different villages, and limit themselves to doing the path that runs between Ardisana and Riucaliente with an estimated time of thirty minutes.

Where does the Camín Encantáu begin?

If we decide to go all the way on foot, the path that starts from the town of La Venta It runs through traditional roads, forests and areas of meadows and pastures, and passes through the towns of La Venta, Gomezán, Malatería, Palaciu, Ardisana and Riucaliente. Up to here it takes about three hours. The return from Riucaliente to La Venta can be done by road. To get to La Venta you have to start from the town of Posada de Llanes and take the road to Cabrales through Turanzas, Vibañu, Riofrío and Puente Nuevo; at Casa Morán, take a detour to La Venta - Ardisana.

Text: © Ramón Molleda for asturias.com Copyright Ramon Molleda

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