XIII Social and Human Rights Film Festival of Asturias will take place from January 10 to 31, 2025.
Fiction and non-fiction works, feature films and short films, are part of a proposal that will be made visible in 13 Asturian towns (Cangas de Onis, Aviles, Llanes, Gijon, Pola de Siero, Sama, Mieres, La Felguera, Mieres, Pimiango, Oviedo, Lugones and Villaviciosa).
On Friday January 10 2025 at 19:30 hours is the opening of MUSOC XIII at the Teodoro Cuesta Cultural Centre in Mieres.
projection of film The kitchen. 139 minutes.
Director: Alonso Ruizpalacios. Raúl Briones and Rooney Mara star in this masterful and feverish film inspired by the play of the same name by Arnold Wesker.
Entrada gratuita hasta completar aforo.
El Closing concert of MUSOC will be the Friday 31 January at 19:30 pm at the Laboral Theatre in Gijón.
Participating: 6 rials, Anibal Menchaca, Daniela Cohen and presented by Antón Caamano.
From different latitudes and perspectives, the films of this thirteenth edition of MUSOC forcefully portray and denounce those hierarchical, oppressive or unjust realities that make it difficult to dream of alternatives.
But far from defeatism, once again in January, we propose a careful selection of films grouped into six thematic sections and several special screenings that will travel to ten Asturian councils to encourage reflection. Works of fiction and non-fiction that will allow us to empathize with the thousands of refugees who request asylum each year, discover feminist discourses in different parts of the globe or demand the rights of all people in the LGTBIQ+ community, the end of genocide in Palestine or that “doing trade unionism is not a crime”.
And that's not all. This year we are launching a section called Broken Silences, which aims to bring together those works that aim to raise awareness about the increasingly necessary democratic memory. Added to this is MUSOCeduca, which runs until May with screenings and other parallel activities in a good number of venues.
teaching centers.
In the face of the incessant noise of images and constant misinformation, in the face of the flagrant violation of human rights in this business world, MUSOC once again offers a space for meeting cinematographic art, activism and critical thinking. A space to continue dreaming.
Check out all the MUSOC screenings in this info
Check the complete agenda at this link Full schedule of screenings and activities