Never before have there been so many Asturian restaurants in the prestigious French publication. The 2024 edition is made up of eleven restaurants that total a total of twelve stars.
Restaurant with 2 Estrellas Michelin Asturias
- Martial House, Arriondas
Family run restaurant; cuisine attached to the Asturian recipe book to develop its own discourse, always with modernity.
The first star came in 1999, the second in 2009, and to this day it maintains that recognition for its gastronomic work.
Restaurants with 1 Michelin Star Asturias
- The Corral del Indianu, Arriondas
This self-taught chef reinvents classic Asturian cuisine with his organic cuisine full of local products, in his emblematic restaurant in the town of Arriondas. Looks star since 1999.
- Ayalga, Ribadesella
- Auga, Gijon
- The Retreat, Pancar, Llanes
- Gerardo House, Prendes
- Royal Spa, Salinas
- Monte, San Feliz
- Ferpel, Ortiguera
New restaurants with 1 Michelin Star Asturias
NM (Oviedo), is the gastronomic restaurant signed by Nacho Manzano within his macro project in El Vasco, and Mark (Gijon).
Photo by Casa Marcial.
Text: © Ramón Molleda for