The desserts of Gijón

The desserts of Gijón

Llambionaes de Gijón

Updated on 26 September 2022
The desserts of Gijón
  • The desserts of Gijón
  • The desserts of Gijón
  • The desserts of Gijón
  • The desserts of Gijón
  • The desserts of Gijón

In the city of Gijón there is a lot of call. No need to worry, it's not an insult. Llambion: said of that person who likes sweet temptations. In Gijón there are more than 60 establishments where you can enjoy the most typical of its confectionery, what you have to take as a souvenir of your visit to Gijón is listed in this list.

Photo of «Rosa's cakes».

Latitude: 43.5387955 Length: -5.6606045
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Gijón cake

This forceful nougat flavor cake It was invented more than 40 years ago by the Agüera family, winner of the National Confectionery Award.
The denomination of dessert from Gijón was given by the confectionery La Fe. It is a cake with a sponge base and a body of Jijona nougat cream toasted on top. The cake must be preserved and eaten cold to maintain its sweet taste.


Delicious cream-based filling with a touch of nougat, lined with sponge cake and chocolate and topped with whipped cream and sour cherries. It is the other cake that disputes with the Gijonesa the honor of being the official dessert of the city.

From his stories we can see: the Austrian pastry chef Friedrich Wazinger came to Gijón around 1935 and rode on Covadonga street, corner of Eusebio Miranda, the famous confectionery La Vienesa, leaving the city, one of his emblematic desserts, the famous charlotte . The first charlotte was created at the beginning of the 19th century, in honor of the wife of King George III, Queen Charlotte. The recipe evolved until 1800 emerged another charlotte that is the closest to the current.

Its creator was the famous culinary trader and great French chef, Antoine Marie Carême. It is a cold dessert made of Bavarian cream biscuits, with which a mold is filled. The dessert was called "Parisian Charlota", later, when I worked in the kitchens of Tsar Alexander I would call it "Russian Charlota", which is the current name.

Little Princesses

There are all over Asturias, although it is believed that the originals are from Gijón. Body of marzipan and yolk cream, have been made in the La Playa confectionery, located on Corrida Street, since 1921. A classic of local confectionery.

Florentines and forgaxes

The two are crispy chocolate dipped cookies, Florentines also with almonds and candied fruit.

Other llambionaes of Asturias

The casadielles.
Sweet wheat flour, stuffed with nuts and a touch of anise, fried sweet. They can also be made with puff pastry, made in the oven. When serving, sprinkle its sugar surface. It is a classic that is served throughout Asturias.

The bartolos.
Typical Asturian dessert, poor brother of the “carbayón”…it is delicious and easy to make.
Puff pastry filled with ground almonds and yolks. We recommend them for coffee time.

Text: © Ramón Molleda for Copyright Ramon Molleda

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