We propose below a basic calendar of these festivals. From January to December hundreds are organized. Many of them are occasional, without continuity, but the ones we detail here are consolidated gastronomic appointments, with a fixed date, so you can organize a getaway with all the guarantees. These are events in which associations are involved, municipalities collaborate with parallel programs and actively participate in local restaurants. In the vast majority of cases, the days are celebrated coinciding with weekends. We order them chronologically so you do not miss any of them.
Gastro festivals January
The Foz (Morcín). Quesue del Quesu Afuegal'l Pitu, Sunday closest to January's 17. Almost a hundred artisans sell for sale the best pieces of a cheese that got its designation of origin in the year 2004 and is at the height of the most famous cheeses of the Principality, such as Cabrales or Gamoneu. The taste is creamy and tending to acid, with a very particular aroma.
XLIII Quesu d'Afuega'l Pitu Competition
This year 2025 we celebrate the … Read more
Proaza Festival of the Turnips and the Cheese of Source, last Sunday of January. The menu of these days can be tasted in all hotel establishments in the capital of the municipality: pot, which takes turnips with companion (accompaniment) based on blood sausage, sausage, ribs and "calamona" or desalted pig's head. Desserts offer nut kernels and the traditional source cheese; a cheese that is curdled and kneaded in a source of butter-coated wood, adding a few drops of güisqui or cognac that give it its characteristic flavor.
19th Turnip Festival
The next 10th and … Read more
Gastro Festivals February
Amieva Gastronomic Days of the slaughter, all the weekends of February. After a decade of existence, this popular festival offers a very complete menu: liver soup, stew of cabbage, picadillo, boronchu, borona pregnant, stewed tongue, pork hands, tripe, fresh fried loin and homemade desserts. In the days involved restaurants located in the towns of Sames, Santillán, Sellañu, Bidosa and Dobra, and it is necessary to make a reservation for a table.
Days of the 2025 Massacre
There are 9 dishes and 26… Read more
Luanco (Gozón). The Calderada de pescado de roca, the weekend closest to the 6 in February. The calderada is the star of Luanco in a gastronomic festival that has its roots in the 18th century. It is the quintessential Luancan kettle, whose recipe was developed on the ships of the sea, where the ship's cook improvised stews with the fish caught by the sailors during the slaughter, which he later enriched with the few products shipped in the port. Potatoes and fish were the basic ingredients of the seafood diet. And that is the calderada. Each hostess decides which dishes and desserts accompany the fish stew in this popular gastronomic festival.
Tineo Gastronomic Days of the municipality, second weekend of February. The gastronomy in Tineo has an excellent chacinera tradition and high quality in its sausages, also a wide culinary offer of dishes elaborated with the derivatives of the pig, in addition to the traditional Asturian pot that in Tineo has a special touch with the bones of butietso. Accompanying the food is local wine from Tierra de Cangas and dessert frixuelos.
Ujo (Mieres). Days of Pitu de Caleya (village chicken), second weekend of February. This is a consolidated call in the Asturian winter calendar. Throughout the weekend, the menu that can be tasted in most of the restaurants in the town is basically made up of beans with clams, pitu de caleya and arroz con leche.
Infiesto (Piloña). Hunting days, in the middle of February, throughout the weekend. The mountains of Piloña have an enormous hunting wealth. Hunting days usually offer a wide menu to choose from: wild boar, roe deer, quail, duck, deer, venison, chamois, pheasant, hare, partridge ... highlighting dishes such as wild boar with patatinos, vegetable rolls stuffed with venison, peppers stuffed with roe deer, or les fabes, which are alternated with wild boar, hare or partridge.
Festivals Gastro month of March
Teverga Gastronomic Days of the municipality, second weekend of March. This festival is celebrated coinciding with the arrival of spring. The menu usually consists of tevergana soup made with spelled bread and egg, lamb stew with patatines and hazelnut colineta for dessert, a typical cake of the area with a base of drunken biscuit.
Pola de Laviana Jornadas del Cabritu with Patatos or Palatinos, second weekend of March. In this festival the star dish has the protagonist the cabritu. The complete menu consists of Corusco soup, kid with patatines, lettuce salad and dessert bartolos. The municipal cooperation has made it possible for a number of activities such as Asturian song, theater and craft exhibitions to be held in parallel to the conference.
San Juan de la Arena (Soto del Barco). Angula Festival, second weekend of March. San Juan de la Arena is a privileged place to catch the angula. Despite the rising price of this dish, the days allow you to taste this excellent dish, prepared in different ways, within a menu that fits all pockets.
XXXVIII Angula Festival
Come to Soto del Barco… Read more
Villaviciosa. Gastronomic Week of Les Fabes, third week of March. This week of exaltation of fabes has become something more than a gastronomic event where menus proliferate with the regional dish. An ambitious cultural development project has emerged around this celebration, which aims to raise awareness of the town of Villaviciosa in all its aspects: tourism, gastronomy, history, art, landscape, customs and traditions.
XXX Xornaes de les Fabes 2024
The activities of the XXX Conference… Read more
Bañugues (Gozón). Oricio Festival (sea urchin), the date is variable in the month of March. With more than 20 years of tradition, the days are extended over a full weekend. You can taste here cooked or raw oricios, empanada or tortilla. The event is held in a large tent and the prices are cheap.
Ibias. Days of the Pig, variable during the month of March. The pork is here the star of the menu from the appetizers, made up of sausages made in Ibias. Pot of vegetables with his compango, botelo with white potatoes and for dessert, frixuelos and miñuelos-a kind of buñuelos made with the same pasta as the first ones- accompanied with heather honey from the area. All washed down with Ibias' red wine.
Tapia of Casariego. Mussel Festival, last weekend of March (Holy Week). Populous contest in which the sale of a ton of mussels is exceeded annually at a very economic price and which year after year is a public success.
Festivals Gastro month of April
Nava Gastronomic Days of the dishes of the Cider, mid-April. Here the proposals of the cooks are of the most varied, since they include from cod to scrambled eggs, going through lemon sorbet, beans, grilled grouper, cream of crab, crab cake, veal cachopines or oxtail . A wide range of flavors and textures that share a common ingredient, the Asturian touch that cider provides in its natural state or as a brandy.
Noreña. Picadillo and Sabadiego Gastronomic Festival, mid – end of April. Organized by the Order of the Knights of Sabadiego. For three days, the local pork companies give their products to taste in a tent installed for this purpose. The Festival has international renown and dozens of gastronomic fraternities from all over Europe and Spain usually participate.
Picadillo and Sabadiego party 2024
The town of Noreña is home to … Read more
Cangas del Narcea. Gastronomic Days of Asturian Meat, end of April. The restaurants in the area offer, through their professional kitchens, the tasting of different dishes made with meat of the denomination "Veal Asturiana", accompanied by a Wine from the Land of Cangas. Parallel to gastronomy, an exhibition of traditional products from the area is held, being sausages, cheeses, bread and wine from Cangas, the main protagonists. There is also a sample of traditional crafts.
Quintes and Quitueles (Villaviciosa). Llámpares Festival, last weekend in April. The llampares (limpets) are mollusks that are very popular in Asturian gastronomy, and this is a classic contest within the culinary calendar of the Principality. Cooks and restaurateurs have been creating with their imagination a recipe book around the lamps: with beans, with potatoes, in scrambled, stewed in sauce, dozens of combinations for a simple and tasty product.
Colunga Festival of Boroña Preñada, last weekend of April. It has been held since 1992 and it is distributed thousands of rations of a highly traditional product that has undoubtedly been the basic sustenance of food in rural areas of Asturias until the middle of the last century. It is a bread made with corn flour, which is cooked patiently in the oven wrapped in leaves of cabbages and often has inside sausages (hence the prenao).
Cudillero Days of the Pinchu Hake, last weekend of April. Here you can taste all the imaginable varieties of hake, caught with the "pinchu" arts, that is, caught not with nets but with a hook. Thus we can taste it to the casserole or to the cider, with elvers or stuffed, to the Roman or with cocochas, among other many ways. Precisely the cucuille pinchu hake is one of the most famous in all of Asturias.
Riosa Gastronomic Conferences of the Mushrooms, end of April. Asturias is a region where spring mushrooms abound. Mount Aramo, at the foot of the town of Riosa, encloses among many of its charms, a large number of spring mushrooms that the innkeepers have wanted to promote and take advantage of to celebrate a few days, in which if the spring mushrooms are important, they share culinary stardom with another characteristic product of the area, the cabritu, of excellent flavor and bred in Mount Aramo.
Pravia. Gastronomic Salmon Days, last weekend of April. For two days, the restaurants of Pravia, one of the Principality's salmon capitals, offer their guests exquisite menus based on the king of the Asturian river. The days have been celebrated for more than 20 years.
Festivals Gastro month of May
Cabranes Days of rice with milk, second weekend of May. Rice pudding is in Asturias a dessert that has earned international fame. In particular the council of Cabranes encumbra with a festival in which this dessert is prepared with special care and culinary wisdom. The days already exceed the 25 years of existence and coincide with the local festivity of Santa Eulalia.
XLV Rice Pudding Festival 2024
The capital of the municipality of … Read more
Oviedo. The Ascension and Tuesday of the Bollu. Usually usually held the last weekend of May. The Ascension is a fair that is celebrated massively in the capital of the Principality and that at the gastronomic level supposes an exaltation of the spring in the table, with a menu composed of menestra of the time, governed meat in the style of Oviedo, and cheese cake with cherries The ovens ovens become protagonists to enhance a sacred celebration around the products of the earth.
Field Tuesday Parties 2024
The celebration of the Festival… Read more
Festivals Gastro month of July
Luanco (Gozón). Jornadas Gastronómicas del Bonito, end of June beginning of July. An extensive recipe book of dishes with the pretty one as protagonist; typical product of the Luancan coasts and that in past times was the birth of a major canning industry. Luanco is the bonitera capital of the Principality, and without a doubt a Gastronomic reference for all Spain at the time of creating in the kitchen around this precious fish. The days are always a success of participation and the highest authorities of the Principality of Asturias attend each year.
Nava Cider Festival, first weekend of July. Annual tribute to Asturian cider declared of National Tourist Interest. The lagareros offer thousands of free liters of this drink; a whole series of cultural and gastronomic events are also held around cider, talks, conferences, exhibitions, International Contest of Escanciadores, without forgetting the festive and Folixa character.
Prau Llagüezos (Lena-Quirós). Fiesta del Cordero, first Sunday of July. At 1400 meters of altitude, in the known as "Prau Llagüezos", border of the councils of Lena and Quirós, this twinning party is celebrated between the two neighboring councils. The massive roast of the lambs to the stake is prepared, which can then be tasted accompanied by cider and other products of Asturian cuisine. The whole day is accompanied by folk groups, bagpipes and drums and the horse treadmill. It is a party declared of International Tourist Interest.
Festivals Gastro month of August
Candás (Carreño). Festival of the Sardine, first weekend of August. It is one of the most popular and important gastronomic festivals of the month of August in Asturias, with four decades of existence. It is celebrated within the framework of the patron saint festivities of San Felix de Candas, patron of fishermen. In community plates, for more than five uninterrupted hours, sardines are prepared. The restaurants offer them in different ways, but the traditional and what is most successful among the diners is preparing them on the grill, and sometimes grilled.
Llanes Sample of the Cheeses of the East of Asturias, first Sunday of August. Dozens of winemakers will participate in this contest that makes the most prestigious cheese varieties in this region available to the public: Beyos, Gamonéu, Pría, Cabrales, Vidiago and Porrúa, among others.
Sources (Villaviciosa). Festival of the Lamb, 6 of August. From 1980, the party takes place in a small prau of the parish of Villaviciosa, where you can taste the lamb rations, sausages, marinade meat and rice puddings with milk.
Cuerres (Ribadesella). Cheese Fair, 10 in August. During the afternoon of San Lorenzo takes place in this town riosellana a popular country tour where you will have lunch and dinner cheeses bought in dozens of craft stalls. In addition to cheeses, all kinds of Asturian sausages and traditional pastries come together in Cuerres.
Port of Vega (Navia). Monumental and popular sardine, second weekend of August. From mid afternoon until well into the night, all those visitors of the fishing village can taste, for a symbolic price, the sardines that for almost three decades the members of the organizing club have been preparing traditionally. It is celebrated in the esplanade of the local fish market, at the foot of the pier.
Inn (Llanes). Huerta Contest, third weekend of August. Also known as the Fair of the Field of the East of Asturias, it is celebrated in the square of the locality with hundreds of positions of all type of agricultural producers. Here the fertility of the Asturian garden is evident in all kinds of vegetables, tubers and vegetables.
Gijón Festival of Natural Cider, fourth weekend of August. With a duration of three days, its purpose is the exaltation of regional drink. An event that appears in the Guinness has managed to gather more than 3.000 people in a concurrent pouring. The participating winemakers give away more than 30.000 liters of cider and glasses of cider are sold with the commemorative logo of the Festival.
Pravia. Festival de la Huerta, fourth weekend of August. Regional exhibition of fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants, which year after year shows the wealth of products that grow in the fertile plain of the rivers that run through the council. In total, almost a hundred exhibitors from Pravia and all of Asturias are reached.
La Collada de Arniciu (Case). Cheese Casin Contest, last Sunday of August. It is often said that Casín cheese is one of the oldest in Spain. Legend has it that after the battle of Covadonga the casinos gave Don Pelayo such a large cheese that it had to be transported in a country car, thrown by the casinos themselves, and the king was so pleased with this cheese that he granted nobility to all population. In this Contest the best pieces of the annual production are shown. The tradition forces to definitively shape the cheese by hand, without mold, marking it on the upper side with a wooden stamp called a frame, with which each craftsman prints his personal stamp.
Casín Cheese Contest 2024
We leave you the date of … Read more
Arenas de Cabrales (Cabrales). Cabrales Cheese Contest, last Sunday of August. If there is a culinary contest par excellence in the region, this is undoubtedly the Cabrales Cheese Contest. It is also one of the cheese festivals with the longest tradition of the peninsula, which gives it a double prestige. The expectation without borders is revalidated every year with a massive influx to this event.
52th Cabrales Cheese Contest 2024
Here we share the agenda of… Read more
Gastro Festivals October
Infiesto (Piloña). Hazelnut Festival, first weekend of October. Tribute to this dry fruit very abundant in Asturias and increasingly demanded raw and as a derivative for pastry or liquor companies, as can be seen in the festival. Asturias, is the second national production of avellanera after Catalonia. It has autochthonous varieties such as: Negreta, Amandi, Quirós, Espinareda, Casina and Villaviciosa, which occupy a preferential place in the international scale of qualities.
Cangas de Onís. Exhibition of Cheese of Asturias, 12 October. Coinciding with the fiesta del Pilar is held in Cangas de Onís, which is considered the country's dean-cheese contest. The best producers of the main cheeses from the area of the Picos de Europa, ie Beyos, Gamoneu and Cabrales, compete.
Picos de Europa Cheese Competition 2024
The appointment is in Cangas… Read more
Benia (Onís). Gamoneu Cheese Contest, third Sunday of October. It has been held continuously from 1980. The gastronomic cradle of this product is located in the heart of the National Park of the Picos de Europa. The cheese matures in natural caves and preserves the aroma of the previous pastoral culture, transhumant, which in spring and summer looks for high mountain pastures. This cheese, which has a designation of origin, is one of the artisan cheeses with the most projection of all those made in the Principality. In Benia, every year, and among great expectations, a few tons are sold.
Oviedo. The Disarmament, 19 of October. A historical appointment to commemorate the triumph of the Elizabethan troops over those of General Sanz during the Carlist War. It is assumed that, as a celebration of the victory, the soldiers were rewarded with a copious meal. After the "fartura" they were disarmed while they napped. The analogy with present times is evident. For current ovetenses, "disarm" means to get purple eating a menu called, in turn, "disarm." The celebration dates back a century ago and has a specific menu, somewhat heavy and obligatory for all restaurants. Diners (who reserve a table well in advance) only want to eat the three dishes set for this date: chickpeas with cod and spinach, tripe and rice pudding.
Disarmament Day 2024
Gastronomic festival whose menu consists of: … Read more
Villaviciosa. Festival of the apple, from 11 to 14 in October. The manzanera capital of Asturias lives up to its name with this festival. Apple producers wait impatiently for this date to participate in the contests that value the best apple orchards, and those who participate in the Apple Select and Apple Cider exhibition prepare with care the batch of apples with which they will be presented. The Natural Cider Contest brings together the best cider producers in Asturias. The prestige of winning in Villaviciosa is a great incentive for professionals in the sector.
XXXV Apple Festival 2025
The XXXV Festival of the … Read more
Cangas del Narcea. Vintage party. From 7 to October 21. This town that heads the wine region of the Wines of the Land of Cangas, celebrates these days its particular vintage. The downtown streets of the village are filled with craft stalls and traditional products. The grape is transported in maniegas and is stepped on without more help than the bare feet of the waiters. After this act in an adjoining tent a monumental espicha based on native products and more Cangas wine is celebrated.
Harvest Festival 2024
Cangas del Narcea welcomes every… Read more
Boal. Honey Fair, last weekend of October. The weekend closest to the November 1 is celebrated. It is the most important event held in the Melero municipality of Boal, which includes the sale and exhibition of honey and apicultural material, ethnographic samples, exposure of new technologies, thematic talks on beekeeping and cultural events.
XXXVII Honey Fair 2024
Music, traditions, workshops and competitions… Read more
Festivals Gastro month of November
I infest (Piloña). Mycological Conferences. Bridge of the Dead. During these days there are gastronomic workshops, photographic exhibitions, field trips to mushrooms, mycological exhibition with all the varieties of the area and some gastronomic days of mushrooms in a large part of the restaurants of the municipality.
Arriondas (Parres). Contest of the Chestnut and Products of the Kitchen garden, second Sunday of November. Here an exhibition with gastronomic contest and "amagüestu" of chestnuts with sweet cider takes place. Parres has a well-deserved fame for the fecundity of the Sella and Piloña valleys, which supply the kitchens of the area with excellent products from the garden, which can be tasted in this Festival.
San Martin de Moreda. The party of the Humanitarians dedicated to the Asturian fabada, a very popular party that is celebrated on November 11.
Cabañaquinta. El Mercaón with the tasting of tripe and cattle market on November 26.
Belmonte de Miranda. Gastronomic Days of the Pot of Berzas, Roxa Meat and Pan de Escanda, fourth weekend of November. The rich Belmontina gastronomy is represented in these gastronomic days. The pot of cabbage, with excellent combinations of the area, and the roxa meat of the teneras that graze in the mountains of the council are accompanied by one of the products that stand out in their markets is the ancestral «spelled bread», variety of wheat own of cold and poor lands, of great consistency and flavor.
The Delivery (San Martín del Rey Aurelio). Festival of Les Cebolles Rellenes, November 30. Stuffed onions have their history and this goes back to the days of the postwar period when a cook from El Entrego, in a show of wit, stuffed Asturian onions with what she had on hand at that moment: pretty. The dish was successful and it was in the late sixties when it became fashionable. Such was his fame that the entreguinos decided to turn it into the axis of a party. For more than three decades, each November 30 has been holding this event.
Gastronomic Days of the Hunting. Tineo, last weekend of November. Tinetense cuisine is based mainly on the Pot and is nourished by its own excellent raw materials, with special mention of its meats and sausages. It is a familiar kitchen, artisan and of careful traditional elaboration where hunting takes on special importance, thanks to the hunting wealth of the council. In these days we can taste: wild boar chorizo, venison chorizo, beans with wild boar, wild boar with potatoes, venison chops, cottage cheese with honey, blueberry pomace or rice pudding.
Festivals Gastro month of December
Blimea (San Martín del Rey Aurelio). Gastronomic Days of stuffed peppers, December 6. The Festival of Stuffed Peppers is already an emblematic celebration in the Nalón region.
Turnips, Onions and Stuffed Peppers 2024
Saint Martin of King Aurelius… Read more
You can taste stuffed with tuna or meat, but in both cases the quality is guaranteed. They have been making this dish for many years, which has gained fame throughout the region.
Case. Gastronomic Days of the Matanza del Gochu or San Martín, first weekend of December. During these days you can taste in the different localities of the council some typical dishes of Asturian slaughter: liver soup, pork chops, fresh blood sausage, pork hands, quesu casin and sweet house, fries and squid coffee.
Noreña Gastronomic Festival of Los Callos, first weekend of December. The chacinera tradition and the presence of meat industries, turn the smallest of the Asturian councils into one of the most important gastronomic. Proof of that relevance is this gastronomic festival dedicated to tripe. The numbers give an idea of their popular acceptance: more than 10000 diners, more than thirty collaborating catering establishments and more than 3 tons of tripe, prepared according to a traditional and secret recipe, which is transmitted from generation to generation of chefs.
Colunga Days of Les Fabes, second weekend of December. The innkeepers of Colunga decided in the nineties, based on the high quality of their fabes, grown in the council, to celebrate these days that will highlight the famous legume in a myriad of gastronomic combinations. Throughout the weekend you can taste succulent dishes such as lobster and lobster faves, with caviar from oricios, with boar, lobster, clams, crab and without forgetting, of course, the most typical Asturian.
Fabes Week 2024
One more year comes the… Read more
Text: © Ramón Molleda for asturias.com