The art of cooking

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The art of cooking

traditional cuisine

Surely you have ever heard: "I learned to cook with María Luisa".

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Few books, of any genre, remain in the collective memory, exceed the limits of editorial novelty and have a tangible influence on our daily lives.

Maria Luisa García (1919-2019) achieved all this, without even trying, with the two parts of The Art of Cooking, an essential recipe book of traditional cuisine where simplicity, usefulness and passion are mixed.

A shopping list, a visit to the market, a pinch of patience, half a cup of affection and María Luisa's book near the stove, always about to get stained with flour or saffron, between two cloves of garlic and the casserole of boiling water. Step by step, the recipe comes out, without millimeter measurements or elaborate ingredients, and it stays in the mind for the next occasion.

3 reviews
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3 valuations The art of cooking

  1. Pepe
    In my family everyone cooked well thanks to her.
  2. Carmina
    A mythical Asturian cuisine, yes sir, and the cake that bears her name, the "Maria Luisa Cake" is an unbeatable recipe today.
  3. Maria Santuna
    It is a luxury to be able to buy this book that had been out of print for so long. A lifelong cookbook (and for life) that passed from my grandmother to my mother and that I had lost. Now I recover it thanks to this magnificent edition. I hope that my children also keep this book as a treasure, which is what it is. Highly recommended!
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· Author: Maria Luisa Garcia
· ISBN: 978-84-124632-5-5
· Format: 15,4 x 21 cm.
Pages: 496
· Binding: hard cover, sewn, gloss laminated, round spine.

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Delallama Editorial

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