We detail the beaches that are part of the network:
Smoke-free beaches in Castrillón
Beaches of Santa María del Mar, La Llada (El Puerto), Munielles, Salinas, L'Espartal-San Xuan, Bahínas, Arnáu and Bayas.
Salinas Beach and El Espartal
We talk about one of the largest sandy areas of the Principality in the town of Salinas, in the…
Smoke-free beaches in Castropol
The beach of Peñarronda
Beach on the western coast of Asturias. A natural treasure that goes unnoticed if we look at it from the…
Smoke-free beaches in Colunga
El Astilleru, La Griega and La Isla beaches.
Beach of La Griega
The beaches of Colunga extend over about 13 kilometers of coastline and several corners make up a landscape…
Smoke-free beaches in El Franco
Pormenande, Porcía, Castello, Cambaredo, Torbas, Monellos and Riboira beaches.
Porcía Beach
The beach and estuary complex, with small marshes and dunes, is a refuge for migratory birds…
Smoke-free beach in Gijón
Beach of San Lorenzo, Gijón
The Paseo del Muro and the San Lorenzo beach draw one of the best known maritime facades and ...
Smoke-free beach in Soto del Barco
Los Quebrantos beach.
Smoke-free beach in Tapia de Casariego
La Ribeiría and Santa Gadea beaches.
Smoke-free beach in Villaviciosa
Misiegu, Miami, El Puntal and La Ñora beaches.
Beach of the Ñora
The Ñora is one of the most beautiful and secluded beaches of the Asturian coast, a plant sandpit ...
Text: © Ramón Molleda for asturias.com