Asiego, an exemplary town of Cabrales

Asiego, an exemplary town of Cabrales

Love and attachment to tradition

Asiego, an exemplary town of Cabrales

    Asiegu is a quiet and charming village. With one of the most extraordinary views of Naranjo de Bulnes, or Picu Urriellu.
    Getting to this mountain town is easy. From Carreña, the capital of Cabrales, we take a detour from the As-114 road and we ascend for just 3,5 kilometers to an altitude of 425 m. The road winds through the mountain and once at the top we discover a village made up of houses of traditional Asturian architecture.
    Photos of Casa Niembro.

    Latitude: 43.3246765 Length: -4.8631830
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    How to get to Asiegu

    Getting to this mountain town is easy. From Carreña, the capital of Cabrales, we take a detour from the AS-114 road and we ascend for just 3,5 kilometers to an altitude of 425 m. The road winds through the mountain and once at the top we discover a village made up of houses with traditional Asturian architecture.

    Exemplary Town 2019

    In 2019 it was an Exemplary Town of Asturias. Distinction granted by the Princess of Asturias Foundation to the people or community that stands out in "defending its noblest values, its natural or ecological environment, its historical, cultural or artistic heritage, or in carrying out communal works or other manifestations of solidarity extraordinary ».

    As we walk we find small cheese shops, some vineyards, wineries and stables, caleyas and pastures. Farmhouses abound, composed of granary, meadows, and a house built with endogenous materials, the limestone of the Picos de Europa and the wood of the forests, houses with south-facing corridor to take advantage of the sun and dry the crops.

    Pedro Udaondo viewpoint

    Scenic overlook dedicated to the Biscayan climber Pedro Udaondo died in 2007 when he approached Peña Santa de Enol, in the Picos de Europa. He started climbing at the age of 14 and from that moment on it was his passion. He frequently visited the Picos de Europa and in 1955, together with Maria Jesús Aldekoa and Jaime Cepeda, he opened the Via Cepeda on the east face of Naranjo de Bulnes. This viewpoint has one of the most extraordinary views of Naranjo de Bulnes, or Picu Urriellu. You can reach it by car, and you can park right next to it.

    Asiego, an exemplary town of Cabrales

    Sleep in Asiegu and surroundings

    In Asiegu there are several rural houses and in the nearby towns -Carreña, Arenas or Poo- we find hotels, apartments, hostels, hostels ... a wide variety of establishments to sleep in the Picos de Europa. In our link we offer offers and direct contact with the owners, without intermediaries or commissions.

    Where to eat in Asiegu

    Niembro House It has a menu based on local produce and 100% gluten-free, a strong and sincere commitment to local products: Cabrales cheese and other Asturian artisan cheeses. Lamb xaldu and cider of own production. Goats and Asturian beef from the farmers of the region. Vegetables and vegetables from the El Nocéu organic farm. A rich and varied menu. Enjoy!

    Cabrales cheese making

    In Asiegu there is a cattle ranch with more than 20 years of activity, to which a generational change is already incorporated. From the cows they take care of, they take artisanal Cabrales cheese, with raw cow's milk, from their organic farming. Young people who maintain the cheese tradition in the area.

    Text: © Ramón Molleda for Copyright Ramon Molleda

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