The following are part of this network museum spaces:
· Museum of the Town of Asturias [Gijón]
Touring the Muséu del Pueblu d'Asturies -Museum of the People of Asturias- means discovering or rediscovering the daily life of our ancestors, to know how they spent their work and leisure hours, how they related, what their houses were like, their food, their hobbies ...
Muséu del Pueblu d'Asturies
The schoolchildren who visit it usually call it "Our grandparents' house", although for older people... Read more
Bagpipe Museum
In a community like Asturias, a museum dedicated to this instrument could not be missing. This museum is located in Gijón, within the ethnographic complex of the Museo del Pueblo de Asturias and in it we can admire a collection of about 60 bagpipes from all over the world.
The Bagpipe Museum
In a community like Asturias, where the bagpipe is one of its cultural and festive stars, I could not… Read more
· Dairy Museum [La Foz, Morcín]
The museum is located in La Foz de Morcín, 15 km south of Oviedo. It was inaugurated in 1993 with the purpose of collecting, studying and making known the different aspects of the science and traditional technology of milk and its derivatives, as well as the traditional agricultural customs and uses.
Dairy Museum
The museum is located in La Foz de Morcín, 15 km south of Oviedo. It was created in 1990 within… Read more
· Ethnographic Museum of Grandas de Salime [Grandas de Salime]
The mission of this museum is to gather, guard, conserve, increase, investigate, communicate and disseminate the tangible and intangible heritage of an ethnographic nature of the Community of West of Asturias. It occupies what was the old Rectoral House of Grandas, which was rehabilitated for this purpose, preserving the popular architecture. Store and display more than 3.000 traditional instruments of all kinds, and it grows every year, or every day, with continuous contributions from individuals and administrations.
Ethnographic Museum of Grandas de Salime
The mission of this museum is to gather, guard, conserve, increase, investigate, communicate and disseminate the... Read more
· Asturias Cider Museum [Nava]
In this municipality it is concentrated one of the largest cider productions in the north of the peninsula. The cultivation of the apple tree in the Principality has written evidence of its existence before the Romans, thanks to Latin chronicles and documents prior to them. The visit is intended to run parallel to cider cycleFor this reason, the visitor never ceases to be amazed at the tremendous analogy that exists between the museum and its own object.
Cider Museum
Few things have such a capacity to represent the Asturian essence in such a minimalist way as a… Read more
· Maritime Museum of Asturias [Luanco, Gozón]
A large sample book that shows us all kinds of fishing gear and gear used by the sailors of the Cantabrian Sea, the evolution of navigation and naval architecture from ancient times to the present day, an amazing collection of Nautical charts of all seas and epochs, cartographies, engravings, documents ...
Maritime Museum of Asturias
To put the sea in a museum you don't have to be small, it is better to take it in all its dimensions and... Read more
· Ethnographic Museum of Porrúa [Porrúa, Llanes]
It has been open since 2000 and arose as an initiative of the neighborhood itself, more specifically by the dynamic Llacín Cultural Association, also in charge of organizing the popular Mercáu Astur de Porrúa year after year. Exhibition of objects, utensils and mechanisms of all kinds related to the most traditional activities of the Asturian rural environment, both in its domestic aspect, as pre-industrial and artisan, which in the background converge in the same sociology.
Ethnographic Museum of Porrúa
In the beautiful village of Porrúa, in the municipality of Llanes, famous for preserving the hallmarks of… Read more
· Pérez Villamil Ethnographic Museum [Puerto de Vega, Navia]
This museum is unique in its genre for recreating together the marine life and the peasant along the centuries. In addition, this space treasures one of the best carpentry collections of Ribera. There is also an area that is dedicated to Asturian emigration, several and surprising naval models, useful of the merchant marine, as well as a zoological collection of the Cantabrian coast with an excellent sample of marine shells and fossils.
Pérez Villamil Ethnographic Museum
This museum is unique in its kind for jointly recreating seafaring and peasant life throughout… Read more
· Marqués de Sargadelos Birthplace Museum [Ferreirela de Baxo, Santa Eulalia de Oscos]
This is the birthplace of the Marqués de Sargadelos, especially known for devising and founding the Sargadelos ceramic factory, a model of the first industrial capitalism in Spain. During our visit we will know first-hand the traditional Asturian architecture of the West, the way of life of yesteryear, the traditions, customs and subsistence economy of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries.
Birthplace of the Marquis of Sargadelos
Knowing history first-hand also includes visiting the houses where the great men of their era were born. ... Read more
· Somiedo Ecomuseum [Caunéu y Veigas, Somiedo]
In the two venues of the museum we can make a broad immersion in somedan life. The most deeply rooted trades in the area, their tools and processes, the transhumant life of ranchers with their itinerant movements, a teito house with all the furniture intact ...
Somiedo Ecomuseum
As its definition indicates, an ethnographic museum focuses on the analysis of the way of life of a race or… Read more
Ethnographic Museum of Grado
Ethnographic Museum of Grao
The Grao Ethnographic Museum was created back in 1982 and occupies its current location in La… Read more
Case Wood Museum
Wood and Madreña Museum
The Case Wood Museum combines the environmental relevance of this Park Nature Reserve ... Read more
Vaqueiro Museum
Naraval, Tineo
Tel. 985 804 835 | Fax. 985 804 835
Quirós Ethnographic Museum
Carretera General, s / n. Bárzana, Quirós
Tel. 985 768 096 | Fax. 985 768 145
Cabranes Rural School Museum
Highway AS-255, km 7.5. Vineyard, Cabranes
Tel. 985 898 213 | Fax. 985 898 002
Source: Asturias Museum Network [MEDA Network]
Walk of Doctor Fleming, 877. 33203 Gijón.
Telephone: +34 985 182 960
Fax: + 34 985 182 964
Text: © Ramón Molleda for